Who then is a privy to a party to a suit pending in a Court of law, and who even without being formally joined as a party to the suit would in law be bound by the result, the judgment, of the Court in such a suit? A “Privy” has been defined so succinctly as “A person who is in privity with another. One who is a partaker or has any part or interest in any action or matter or thing. In connection with the doctrine of Res Judicata, one who after the commencement of the action has acquired interest in the subject matter affected by the judgment though or under one of the parties as by inheritance, succession, purchase or assignment.” See Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Edition @ p. 1200. See also 30 Daniel V. Kadiri (Supra); Chief Oyelakin Balogun V Pastor Moses Afolayan (2005) All FWLR (Pt. 85) 331 @ p. 334; Kola Adedeji & Anor V. Otunba Segun Adebayo & Ors. (2012) LPELR 7990 (CA).
— B.A. Georgewill, JCA. General Telephone v. Asset (2017) – CA/L/336/2015