It has been argued that there is conflict between the common law principle and the provision of the limitation law. I respectfully disagree. One complements the other. They are not conflicting. It is not only in Nigeria that there are limitation laws. There is Limitation Act of 1980 which is a British Act of parliament applicable only to England and Wales. The British Act Limits actions in tort to 6 years. Section 2 of the Act reads: “Time limit for actions founded on tort: ‘An action founded on tort shall not be brought after the expiration of six years from the date on which the cause of action accrued.”
In spite of the above provision, it does not apply to continuing trespass. It is therefore in my respectful view an error to argue that the provision of the various Limitation Laws in Nigeria do not allow for the doctrine of continuing trespass.’”
Per Awotoye, JCA. Chikere & Ors. v Chevron Nigeria Ltd. (2018) LPELR-44123 (CA).