Although it is the law that a statement of claim supersedes the writ of summons, parties are not allowed to set up a totally different allegation in their statement of claim without amendment.
– Obaseki, JSC. Ekpan v. Agunu (1986)
Although it is the law that a statement of claim supersedes the writ of summons, parties are not allowed to set up a totally different allegation in their statement of claim without amendment.
– Obaseki, JSC. Ekpan v. Agunu (1986)
The ruse of faulty notice used by tenants to perpetuate possession in a house or property which the land lord had slaved to build and relies on for means of sustenance cannot be sustained in any just society under the guise of adherence to any technical rule. Equity demands that wherever and whenever there is controversy on when or how notice of forfeiture or notice to quit is disputed by the parties, or even where there is irregularity in giving notice to quit, the filing of an action by the landlord to of the property has to be sufficient notice on the tenant that he is required to yield up possession. I am not saying here that statutory and proper notice to quit should not be given. Whatever form the periodic tenancy is whether weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly etc., immediately a writ is filed to regain possession, their regularity of the notice if any is cured. Time to give notice should start to run from the date the writ is served. If for example, a yearly tenant, six months after the writ is served and so on. All the dance drama around the issue of the irregularity of the notice ends.
– Ogunwumiju JSC. Pillars v. William (2021)
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