The general principle of the law is that at the trial of an action the
The general principle of the law is that at the trial of an action the
The general principle on which the above statutory provision is grounded is as stated by
It is settled that a statement by a counsel from the Bar has the character…
‘The right of audience in court is governed by the Legal Practitioners Act. It is
The above quoted obiter of the learned trial judge did not form part of the…
A counsel who settles a process in a court is also a counsel in the…
Before I round off, learned senior counsel for the Appellant has urged this court to…
The Respondent’s Brief of Argument dated and filed on 3rd November, 2020, which was settled…
Furthermore, it is unethical, undesirable and intolerable that a counsel should attend or appear in…
The Supreme Court had re-emphasized the binding effect of its judgments on the lower courts…
The said section 573(1) of Companies and Allied Matters Act Provides as follows:- ‘Every individual…
The convenience of counsel should have no pre-eminence over the dictate of the law. The…
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