However, learned Counsel for the Respondent failed to draw the attention of the Court to
However, learned Counsel for the Respondent failed to draw the attention of the Court to
Under cross-examination, DW3 admitted that he signed his deposition in the chambers of his counsel.
In Kotoye v Saraki 1995 NWLR (Pt.395) 256, in circumstances where the party (who is…
DENNING, MR., in Pett v. Grey Hound Racing Association (No. 1) (1968) 2 ALL E.R.
Again, a Court lacks jurisdiction to look into whether or not a counsel has instruction…
However, a legal practitioner is a person entitled according to the provision of section 24…
While lawyers pride themselves as masters of the law, the Politicians are master game planners…
The nature of the legal relationship between Counsel and his client, which exists in this…
In Swinfen v. Swinfen 26 LJ Co P 97, Blackburn, J, stated the position as
Sir James Bacon, V.C., said in Green’s Case (1874) L.R. 18 Eq C.A. 428:- “In
Learned counsel should refrain from manufacturing facts to suit the interest of his client. As…
Learned Senior Advocates, being not only officers of the Court but supposedly noble and worthy…
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